Sunday, December 14

Happy Holidays

We here are QuadCast would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate in the coming weeks. If you don't celebrate any holidays, Happy Thursday, or any other day for that matter.

To help celebrate the holidays, in addition to our now being on track with episodes, the crew here at QC have decided to treat you with not having to hear us.

Well, mostly due to people actually seeing family, and taking much needed vacations (I, myself, am going to look at some rodents in Florida). We may get together at some point to give you a new episode, but so far, nothing is planned. We should return sometime around mid-January.

Finally, thank you everyone who has supported us and listened to our show these past 50 episodes. We hope to bring you atleast 50 more before we're all assassinated for Conall's fake racism.

Happy (non)Holidays,


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